lördag 10 december 2011


My finals are over! I had my psychology and biology finals on Thursday. I studied like crazy the night before, and I had a lot of help from my friend G, while studying for bio. We also did some bonding there :) Oh the discussion you might get sidetracked into when studying at 1 am... All in all, I did alright on my bio, I got a high C from the finals, which ended up giving me a C in the class, so pretty alright. I kind of messed it up by not making such a good grade on my first exam in the class, and it was just hard to get the grade up from there. Me and cell biology don't get along too well. In psychology I ended up making an A on my final and therefore making a B in my class. I was very content with this grade! The studying paid off for once :) During the final I remember getting so nervous that my hand was shaking, because I knew the questions and I just wanted to get through quickly so I wouldn't forget the information (Don't ask why my brain thought that. The strange things that goes on inside there...) I also couldn't believe that I knew so many answers. I think I should try this studying more often! This time I actually started studying on time, but no matter how early one starts, one will end up stressing the night before the exam anyway. One wants to review everything and be sure that one knows everything one needs to know.

I had a great time tonight with my roomie K. We went to the Boardwalk here in Shreveport (it was technically on the Bossier side, since we crossed the Red River. The Shreveport area consist of two cities that has blended in together, Shreveport and Bossier. Apparently Bossier is the more "ghetto" one.) The Boardwalk is just like a huge outlet mall. All these shops along small streets, and there is also a tram that runs through these streets! I enjoyed it very much, but didn't find anything worth buying really. The river was very pretty when the lights from the city reflected in the water. Shreveport has many casinos where rich people come to gamble away their money, hence one can see many glittery skyskraper casinos with fancy water fountains while driving through the city. We really live in the outskirts, it took us about 20-25 minutes to get downtown. After walking around the Boardwalk me and K hit the worldmarket (a store with different products from around the world) and I found Julmust, the Swedish Christmas soda that I've been dying to get my hands on! Oh the feeling that overcame me when I once more rejoiced with this wonderfully addictive drink!

Tomorrow I will finally head home. It feels strange to leave Shreveport. I have had a great fall, and I actually enjoy my stay here. It is much calmer than William Carey, no drama, there isn't constantly things going on around me, since I don't live in a dorm now, but an apartment. We soccer girls don't run into each other 10 times a day. It is wonderful! Right now it looks like I will definitely stay here until I finish my bachelor degree and after that we'll see where the road of life will take me. Until then peace out!
Dallas-> Frankfurt -> Helsinki here I come!!

Enjoy some Prince Charlez & Kendrick Lamar!

West coast state of mind

onsdag 7 december 2011

The next 18 hours will be hell.

So today I had my two first finals; ISDS (computers) which went really well, might I add and sociology. ISDS is very easy and I finished with an average of about 99% in the class. My second exam, sociology was another case though... This is how I felt after the exam...

I didn't have to make a very high grade on the exam, but I'm actually not sure if I made a high enough now. When I saw the questions I just thought "I need to sleep, I want to go to sleep, I can't stay awake." Note to oneself: don't take exams with only 3 hours of sleep... The body and mind needs energy and it is much harder to focus, when one is tired. Well, we'll see how I did on the exam. I knew I had seen all of the questions, I just couldn't remember what the words meant, or who did which experiment.

I will be facing my two hardest finals tomorrow; biology and psychology. I didn't study very well for psychology during the semester, so now I have to pay for the lack of effort. Biology is not going well just because it is a very hard class. I will hit the vending machines shortly to load up on snacks and a coke to keep me fueled until tomorrow! Good luck to each and everyone who is battling with finals! Put in that extra effort and soon you'll be able to enjoy your well-deserved Christmas break! Peace out!
This is how I will feel for the next 18 hours. Don't contact me.

måndag 5 december 2011

Finals week in Shreveport

It's been a while since I updated my blogg. Tonight I suddenly felt the urge to write again, so I decided that there was no better time than the present to get to work. I'm currently on a study break. I've spent the past three days locked up in my room together with my psychology and biology books. I need to do well on these exams, so for once I decided to put some effort into studying. Between reading about studies on bullies, leadership and aggression, I procrastinate (the usual facebook creeping) and occasionally engage in eating. Yesterday my roomies were watching an American football game on tv, so I found the perfect combination of old-fashioned Christmas music and biology notes and BAM the noises were blocked out.

It is interesting how different study routines people have. Some of us have to listen to loud music while reading about quant physics, while others have to sit in complete silence to be able to focus. I, on the other hand, prefer silence, but I can listen to music in worst cases. The music has to be the kind that doesn't make me want to dance and sing along to it (note: no Disney or Lady Gaga!). The old-fashioned Christmas music worked well here.

A short update on what has happened since I last wrote here; I went back home to Finland for the summer. There I spent most of the time working, playing soccer, and I also had a surgery where my toncills were taken out. It was such a relief to finally get rid of them! No more angina for me! The doctor said that I couldn't have taken them out at a better time. I will spare you of the nasty and graphic details, but apparently, it was very hard to get them out since they were in such a bad condition.

This past fall I've been living in the city of Shreveport in the state of Louisiana. (The only state that begins with the letter L! haha! Just a small detail I like.) I live in an apartment with three other girls, and while I share the bathroom with one other person, I have my bedroom completely for myself - privacy!! Something my last school definitely lacked! We played a pretty good season, I was very satisfied with my own performance, even though I know, that as a team we could have gone further if only we had done certain things better. I'm looking forward to next year though! I scored 6 goals and assisted 3 this season, which put me as the second in our overall points. I got my fair share of playing time, both as a forward and a center-mid, even though I definitely prefer playing forward. Haha, here is my LSUS soccer picture for this year!
Here we are then, preparing for finals. I will have two finals on Wednesday (computers and sociology) and two finals on Thursday (psychology and biology). My flight to Helsinki leaves on Sunday from Dallas. I'm very much looking forward to seeing some snow, so I'll be hoping there will be loads of it when I get back to Finland!! Good night from Shreveport!

tisdag 3 maj 2011

Relief and lactic acid in my musles

So my second final is finally over! I'm so glad that the I won't have to attend that class any more. It sounds harsh, but the class was beyond boring. Our professor just read everything straight from our slides, and we could have studied that on our own. He's a cool guy, and really smart, but the teaching skills are lacking something... Now I just have to get through history and theater and then that will be the official end of my career as a student at William Carey!

I've done Insanity now for 6 days in a row. We've gradually gotten some people to join us, me and C are not the only ones any more! I think I just recruited one more today again :) The workout is truly insane and I feel like I've already gotten more toned! Today was cradio power & resistance and it was sooo tough even though it was only 40 minutes long! We're going to do recovery and cardio abs tomorrow to get a little bit of "rest" if you can call it that!
Peace out!

torsdag 28 april 2011


I finally got the workout program for the summer. We received two dvds with twelve different kinds of insanity workout programs. I am soooo excited!! I really look forward to trying them all out. I already tried the fitness test and cardio abs with C, and they are INTENSE! But I will get there! I feel like I've got a really good summer coming with soccer, this workout and then I'll work at V and hang out with my friends. And there might even be a day when I don't feel like doing aaaaaanything...

While waiting for results from me, one can look at the extremely fit dancer Sophia Boutella. Maybe that could be me after the insanity? Peace out!

onsdag 20 april 2011

If I would be an animal, I would be a King Julian. They are sooo adorable, goofy and just amazing creatures. "Now whooo would like a cookie?"
The cutest one I've ever seen! It jumped up on the fence to get closer to us, and it kept looking at us! It also made the cutest little sound! <3

The tiger was apparently called Tigger. She was really cool, she kept pacing around her cage. She also went into the water, as soon on the picture. Cool tiger!

This creature was just sooo strange. We were so appalled that we just stood and watched it do it's things for the longest time ever!

This was the superdome in New Orleans. For the Europeans; the superdome is where the professional American football team The Saints play their homegames! A lot of people also hid inside of the superdome during hurricane Katrina.

Bourbon street on a Friday night. No, I didn't go there, we just drove past it. It is insane!

lördag 16 april 2011

25 days!!!

I had such a great day yesterday! For one the killer week was finally finishing with an exam in world history, and I think that I actually did pretty good on the exam! I was so worried, I stayed up until 6.30 in the morning studying for it. After the class I went to work out with C, and it was a really good intense, but not too long workout. I still feel sore in my arms almost two days afterwards! It is a part of the program we had for the soccer team this spring. I will definitely use this program in the future as well. After the workout me and C went to Panda to enjoy some delicious (and cheap!) Chinese food. We ate curry chicken with rice. I really liked it! And Panda is so affordable, their portions are humongous and you only pay 5 dollars for one! Me and C shared one, and we still couldn't finish everything! After this we went to the Hattiesburg zoo since we were right next to it, and it was so relaxing just walking around, looking at the animals. I'll post pictures later! We saw the cutest King Julian animals! And one of them jump up on the fence really close to us, and even made some kind of cute sound! They were adorable! I could imagine being a King Julian animal, if I had to be an animal! We also saw a huge tiger! It went all the way into the water, and even took a few leaps, that was really cool! Usually one just sees the tigers sleeping, but this one was restless and pacing around the cage. I really enjoyed the day! In the evening I went to New Orleans with B and Y. I was supposed to have a meeting with my next years soccer coach. I'm transferring to a school in north Louisana. This school is in a much bigger city, and the school in itself is much bigger as well. They are supposed to have a really good psychology program, and there are a multitude of other good things I've heard about the school. All in all, the school sounds really great and I'm willing to give it a shot. I had almost given up on transferring and instead just returning to Finland, but this offer came out of the blue, and I was willing to grab it and give it a shot! Maybe this was meant to happen? I'd like to believe in destiny, and that things happen for a reason. :) Pictures are on their way!

onsdag 13 april 2011

Don't you just love it when all the puzzel pieces in your life fall into place?



tisdag 12 april 2011


It is only 30 days left until I can board my flight in New Orleans. Nobody can understand how anxiously I am waiting for that moment. I have been in the States since the 4th of august and I think it's about time that I leave this country for a few months. I'll return again at the end of July to start a new tough preseason with a new team, in a new city and with new adventures. Today was a tough day. I had two exams today, I think I aced theater, chemistry will be between an A and a B. I still have a good chance to make an A in all of my classes. I know one person who would be exceptionally proud of me if I got a 4.0 GPA from this trimester. That would mean that I would make it to the president's list. The last two trimesters I made it to the dean's list, but the president's list would be an awesome way to end my career at this school. I want my family to be able to be proud of me. I also need to shoot for the stars for my own good, always aim for the highest goal ;) I did a short workout tonight with a couple of friends, intensive, but short. It makes you sweat like crazy. Just in preparation for my body fat test tomorrow. (We've had body fat tests performed every week with the soccer team here.) Check out my link to the bodyrock website! There are some really awesome workouts with dieting tips as well. I just found out about this Jazz and Heritage festival that is being held in New Orleans at the beginning of May. I would really love to go to this concert, they have Jason Mraz and Bon Jovi playing at this festival! It is my DREAM to see Bon Jovi in action, and Jason Mraz wouldn't be too bad either! I've never been to a concert so I bet it would be a great experience. I didn't have the best of endings to this day, but tomorrow is already Wednesday which means I've only got two more exams this week! Plus I am one more day closer to home! Peace out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vx2u5uUu3DE

lördag 9 april 2011

No life

Stuff I have to do for next week:

  • 4 research papers for history

  • chemistry lab report

  • 2 theater play reviews

  • complete history study questions

Study for:

  1. Chemistry exam on Monday

  2. Theater exam on Tuesday

  3. Statistics exam on Thursday

  4. History exam on Friday

So as you see, I officially have no life now. I'll get in some workouts in between, but that's all. See ya!

33 Days!

I changed the design of my blog very drastically as one can notice. I felt like it was time for a change. I want to start writing here more frequently again. I have so many friends all around the world, and this would be a good place to read about my adventures, as I can read of my friend's adventures from their blogs. This is also why I'll write in English in the future.

My year in Mississippi was not what I expected, but I'm glad I did this, I've experienced and seen things I possibly couldn't have without coming here, and I've made friends for life. I've met such amazing people, too bad distance will separate us for longer periods of time. Now I only have 33 days before my flight back to Finland! I'm so anxious to get back home. I've got so many things that I want to do, just basic things like go to a normal Finnish grocery store. It is amazing what kind of things one can miss, while one isn't around them. I definitely miss Helsinki, I want to be able to just walk around downtown, go to a coffee shop with a friend, grab a muffin and just sit down and people-watch. I want to go down to the pier and watch the sea. I'm not sure about my future here in the States yet, the next couple of weeks will show what happens. During that time I can just try to enjoy the last couple of weeks here!

33 days!!!