torsdag 1 mars 2012

School & working out

I decided to write a post in English again just for the heck of it. (what does that phrase even mean? For the heck of it? Literally? Well I just felt like writing in English again, alright?) Lately I've been reading a lot of fitness blogs, and looking at pictures of fit people for motivation. I've really decided that this is it, it is now or never that I'm going to get fit. Unfortunately I belong to that group of people that say that they are going to do a lot of stuff, and possibly even start their projects, but never finish them. This has got to stop. I work out five times a week since I play soccer, but I still haven't shred the pounds from when I had a surgery on my knee and gained some weight. I would gain a lot of speed through getting more fit. I have a few other people in my life who are trying to achieve the same thing, so we exchange fitness tips and recipes. Our soccer practice isn't going very well either, it's not the hardest practice, so I need to kick it up a notch with doing my own stuff as well. Shape magazine arrived today - perfect for some more motivation! I made this delicious mango smoothie yesterday with protein powder added to it. I really dislike protein powder with just milk, but when you make a smoothie of it, it almost hides the flavour of the protein.

My school has been going very well. We recently received our 4 week grades (given after the first exam week so that students know how they are doing in their classes). I recieved 4 A's, 1 B and one class where the professor chose not to grade us at all. My goal for this semester is to get 5 A's and 1 B, so I'm doing well so far. I put a lot of effort into my school, so it's nice to see that it pays off. It feels like this semester is just flying by. We are already in March! Soon it'll be May and time to fly back to Finland. Cheers!