lördag 10 december 2011


My finals are over! I had my psychology and biology finals on Thursday. I studied like crazy the night before, and I had a lot of help from my friend G, while studying for bio. We also did some bonding there :) Oh the discussion you might get sidetracked into when studying at 1 am... All in all, I did alright on my bio, I got a high C from the finals, which ended up giving me a C in the class, so pretty alright. I kind of messed it up by not making such a good grade on my first exam in the class, and it was just hard to get the grade up from there. Me and cell biology don't get along too well. In psychology I ended up making an A on my final and therefore making a B in my class. I was very content with this grade! The studying paid off for once :) During the final I remember getting so nervous that my hand was shaking, because I knew the questions and I just wanted to get through quickly so I wouldn't forget the information (Don't ask why my brain thought that. The strange things that goes on inside there...) I also couldn't believe that I knew so many answers. I think I should try this studying more often! This time I actually started studying on time, but no matter how early one starts, one will end up stressing the night before the exam anyway. One wants to review everything and be sure that one knows everything one needs to know.

I had a great time tonight with my roomie K. We went to the Boardwalk here in Shreveport (it was technically on the Bossier side, since we crossed the Red River. The Shreveport area consist of two cities that has blended in together, Shreveport and Bossier. Apparently Bossier is the more "ghetto" one.) The Boardwalk is just like a huge outlet mall. All these shops along small streets, and there is also a tram that runs through these streets! I enjoyed it very much, but didn't find anything worth buying really. The river was very pretty when the lights from the city reflected in the water. Shreveport has many casinos where rich people come to gamble away their money, hence one can see many glittery skyskraper casinos with fancy water fountains while driving through the city. We really live in the outskirts, it took us about 20-25 minutes to get downtown. After walking around the Boardwalk me and K hit the worldmarket (a store with different products from around the world) and I found Julmust, the Swedish Christmas soda that I've been dying to get my hands on! Oh the feeling that overcame me when I once more rejoiced with this wonderfully addictive drink!

Tomorrow I will finally head home. It feels strange to leave Shreveport. I have had a great fall, and I actually enjoy my stay here. It is much calmer than William Carey, no drama, there isn't constantly things going on around me, since I don't live in a dorm now, but an apartment. We soccer girls don't run into each other 10 times a day. It is wonderful! Right now it looks like I will definitely stay here until I finish my bachelor degree and after that we'll see where the road of life will take me. Until then peace out!
Dallas-> Frankfurt -> Helsinki here I come!!

Enjoy some Prince Charlez & Kendrick Lamar!

West coast state of mind

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