lördag 9 april 2011

33 Days!

I changed the design of my blog very drastically as one can notice. I felt like it was time for a change. I want to start writing here more frequently again. I have so many friends all around the world, and this would be a good place to read about my adventures, as I can read of my friend's adventures from their blogs. This is also why I'll write in English in the future.

My year in Mississippi was not what I expected, but I'm glad I did this, I've experienced and seen things I possibly couldn't have without coming here, and I've made friends for life. I've met such amazing people, too bad distance will separate us for longer periods of time. Now I only have 33 days before my flight back to Finland! I'm so anxious to get back home. I've got so many things that I want to do, just basic things like go to a normal Finnish grocery store. It is amazing what kind of things one can miss, while one isn't around them. I definitely miss Helsinki, I want to be able to just walk around downtown, go to a coffee shop with a friend, grab a muffin and just sit down and people-watch. I want to go down to the pier and watch the sea. I'm not sure about my future here in the States yet, the next couple of weeks will show what happens. During that time I can just try to enjoy the last couple of weeks here!

33 days!!!

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